Sunday, June 24, 2012

March 23rd Greenhouse Updates

Views around the greenhouses on March 23rd.  Greenhouses #1 and #8 are being prepared for planting.  Greenhouse #4 has just been planted.  Chives and Lettuce are doing well in Greenhouses #5 and #6.  Newly seeded lettuce and cole crops and many tomato seedlings. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

2012 Growing Season off to a Great Start!

With this great weather we planted beets, chard, carrots and peas this weekend. Greenhouse lettuce and herbs look great. Getting the greenhouses ready to plant tomatoe starts next weekend. Seeding more vegetable seedlings and bedding plants daily.

Upcoming Events:
Farmers Market @ Fletcher Allen (McClure Lobby)
March 30th
11am - 3pm

Farmers Market @ UVM Davis Bldg
April 11th & 25th
10am - 2pm